November / December 2019

Life in Berlin has given us a whole new perspective on the seasons in which we live. It’s not that seasons did not change before we moved to Berlin, but that the seasons seemed to be less defined. This past year has brought many new changes, from new doors of opportunity to seeing coworkers come and go, to moving to a new place that is ushering us into a new season of ministry. We are learning to embrace these changes as hard as they maybe. I am reminded that God brings these seasons in His perfect timing and in order for us to flourish in the season He has placed us we must be content to live in the warmth or the harshness of the season.

It’s so easy to hold on to a season for too long. It’s also easy to think that all seasons require the same work. Life in the harvest field is a life dictated by seasons. Some seasons are filled with casting seeds, while others call for patiently tending the ground with hopes that something will break through, that a harvest will be realized. Sometimes there are many co-laborers, while some seasons feel lonely and void of potential growth.

One of the toughest parts of living in a foreign land is constantly saying goodbye to people we love. Even this month, we have said goodbye to someone we have drawn exceptionally close to over the past two years. The upcoming season looks bleak not having him standing by our side. If it was up to us we would try to hold on, but we are thankful that God knows what we need better than we do. We are reminded that He has always been faithful. That even in the absence of those who encourage us forward we can hold strong in a cold, harsh season.

I’m reminded of the Amaryllis, Cherry recently introduced me to this special flower that has become beloved at Christmas time here in Germany. In this midst of the onset of a Berlin winter, there is one flower that pays no attention to its surroundings. While most plants wait for the warmth of spring to push up through the soil, the Amaryllis is not intimidated by the harshness of its surroundings. In fact, It thrives when conditions are tough. It’s as if this flower defies nature and blooms when we need it most. I believe the Amaryllis was designed from the foundations of the world to remind us of Jesus. It reminds us that He came in a season of hopelessness and brought new life in the midst of the worst of conditions.

So we draw hope that just like our Savior, we can grow in the harshness, because He has given us reason to hope even when the way forward seems hard. May we take time this Christmas season to eagerly anticipate the coming of Emmanuel, God with us. He is with us even in the darkest seasons.

Ministry Update

While September and October were seasons of throwing seeds, November and December have been a season of watering and encouraging new growth. We have been working closely with refugees in the refugee accommodation in Wilmersdorf. Helping staff organize festivals around Thanksgiving and Christmas themes. Members from our church participated in this event and were able to give each family a small gift and note with John 8:12.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

John 8:12

I also had the opportunity to work with some of the boys in this community through soccer. We organized a team and are participating in a city league. It has been a good opportunity to get to know these boys better.

We also wrapped up our weekly soccer outreach in Reinickendorf. We had a year end party to thank those who helped with this ministry throughout the past year. We are thankful for the influence God has given us with these children and we pray they will grow to understand that life in Christ is more valuable than what this world can offer them.

Our church family had our International Thanksgiving dinner last month and our family was heavily involved in the preparations for this. We had a number of visitors who came and heard a clear presentation of the gospel, including my friend Arash. Please pray that He would understand the gospel and that some recent trials in his life would open his eyes to know Christ.I also had the opportunity to preach for the first Sunday of Advent at our church. I spoke on the theme for the first Advent, which is Hope.

Family Update


The past two months were very busy for our family. We renewed our visa’s in November as well as moved to a new place in December. This on top of our ministry responsibilities, sickness and fatigue has created for a very stressful month. We are so thankful how God worked out every detail. From securing a truck, to finding people to help, to changing over all the services to the new place. We are thankful for some special people in our church community who helped us through this time.

We are also thankful for family that is visiting us this month. My parents and aunt and uncle have filled our house with joy and laughter, and we are thankful to have family to celebrate with during this season. This has also given us the opportunity to explore some new places this month. This has been an incredible blessing as we are missing many of our close friends and family in Berlin this Christmas.

As we reflect on the coming year, our hearts are full of gratitude for all that God has done. Thank you for your prayers and for your continued support. We count it an honor to partner with you for the gospel. Thank you for helping us reach the nations in this strategic place.

For those of you who give regularly to our ministry we are reminded consistently of your sacrifice to see the gospel go forth and it is a sweet savor to us for God’s glory. We know some of you prefer giving special gifts. Thank you for those of you who recently gave for our moving costs.

We are still a little behind on some of the costs we incurred during the past month and some increases in cost of living we anticipate incurring as we enter 2020. These costs amount to around $3,000 for the coming year. We would greatly appreciate your help with these costs if you are considering a year end gift or if you would like to partner with us monthly. You can find our giving page by clicking on the donate button below.

From our family to yours we wish you a Christ-filled Christmas and a New Year filled with hope for our coming King.

Prayer Update

  • Praise for the opportunity to spend time with family this month.

  • Pray for us as we seek to stay connected with those we are continuing to build relationships with in different communities through the winter.

  • Pray that our new house will give us new opportunities to minister to others from across the city.

  • Pray for us as we seek to support and encourage our local church to live for Christ.

Chad Gfeller